

Express Delivery
for Ground Rates,

and an Even Lower Carbon Impact

We built a delivery experience that lets you tap into the future—today. By streamlining express delivery at ground rates, we’ve engineered a system that slashes carbon emissions without compromising speed. Imagine a world where your goods move faster, cost less, and leave a smaller footprint—we’ve already made it happen.






Air freight vs ground freight from LA to MIA.

ClearJet Air Freight

Emission Factor: 0.154 kg CO2 per passenger mile
Shipment Weight: 1,000 lbs (0.454 metric tons)
Air Emissions:0.154 kg CO2 per passenger mile * 2,342 miles * 0.454 metric tons of cargo =
163.88 kgC02

Ground Freight Alternatives

Emission Factor: 0.22 kg CO2 per mile per ton (0.00011 kg CO2 per mile per lb)Shipment Weight: 1,000 lbs (0.454 metric tons)
Air Emissions:0.00011 kg CO2 per mile per pound * 1000 lbs * 2,800 miles =308 kgC02

It's just




Why Retailers & Warehouses Need ClearJet Carbon Lite


Lower C02 Emissions

We engineered our logistics network to reduce CO2 emissions dramatically, making your shipments not just faster, but cleaner. Every delivery is a step toward a greener planet.


One Flight vs. Multi-Day Road Trip

Our network doesn’t arbitrarily route every shipment through a super hub, cutting down on unnecessary flights. That means less fuel burned and fewer carbon emissions in the air.


Fewer Stops (Less Idle Time)

By streamlining our operations, we’ve minimized the number of facilities needed. This efficiency reduces energy consumption and brings your deliveries closer to you, faster.


Faster Delivery

We built a high-speed delivery system that doesn’t compromise on sustainability. Your package gets there quicker, with fewer stops along the way.


Lower Cost

By streamlining our operations, we’ve minimized the number of facilities needed. This efficiency reduces energy consumption and brings your deliveries closer to you, faster.